The Arthur Erickson Foundation has been registered in British Columbia as a non-profit charitable society since 1993. The Foundation is governed by its constitution, its member-approved bylaws, its board of directors, and the BC Societies Act. Foundation directors are volunteers, and serve for staggered 3-year terms. They are elected from among those nominated at AEF's Annual General Meetings, usually held in May or June. Vacancies arising during a term are filled by board appointment.


Term expires at conclusion of 2025 AGM:

  • Clinton Cuddington
  • Larry Beasley
  • David Covo – President
  • Donald Luxton
  • Brian Broster

Term expires at conclusion of 2026 AGM:

  • Elizabeth Watts – Vice President (West)
  • Michael Prokopow – Vice President (East)
  • Simon Scott
  • Sarah Bancroft
  • Barry Johns

Term expires at conclusion of 2027 AGM:

  • Phyllis Lambert – Chair
  • Geoffrey Erickson
  • William McLean – Secretary
  • Trevor Boddy
  • Mahmoud Virani – Treasurer


        • Michael Audain & Yoshiko Karasawa 
        • Daina Augaitis & Andy Sylvester
        • Adrienne Clarkson
        • Douglas Coupland
        • Helmut & Hildegard Eppich
        • Hugo & Brigitte Eppich
        • Linda Fraser
        • Phyllis Lambert
        • Nick Milkovich
        • Lois Milsom
        • Brigitte Shim
        • Yosef Wosk

        Learn more about AEF's directors here.