Ever-central to Arthur Erickson's expansive, socially-conscious work as an architect and theorist was his belief in and commitment to education and research. Having served on the faculties of architecture at the University of Oregon and the University of British Columbia, Erickson understood well the need of each generation to contribute to the training of the next. Architecture, as he so passionately and often explained, requires careful and informed thinking to negotiate a sound and enduring solution to a design problem. Critical to such thinking is a culture of study of the built environment and its creation. 

The educational goal of the Arthur Erickson Foundation is to support architectural education and research and its emerging practitioners by:
  • maintaining the Arthur Erickson House and Garden as a publicly accessible site that reveals Arthur Erickson’s design principles and provides a frame of reference for understanding his ideas

  • offering public lectures and other events focused on architectural education

  • working with donors to develop prizes and scholarships intended to reward and assist those whose work or study exemplifies Arthur Erickson’s design philosophy

  • supporting research, archival and scholarly work related to Arthur Erickson.

Photo credit: Erickson Family Collection